Tuesday 30 March 2010

Street Market in Xi'an

Full of exotic birds, steaming food stalls, and interesting people. What a place!

Xi'an, China

This is the town that became famous for the Terracotta Warrior statues. I found the streets of Xi'an much more interesting than the historical site outside of the town. The walled city had a large Muslim population and was full of great food and culture. I even saw a roadside dentist's office.

The Great Wall

Here are some photos of the Great Wall on the 2nd day after leaving Korea. It was very cold but stunning nonetheless.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Tianamen Square-Beijing, China

This is a short video of Tianamen Square in Beijing, China. Also some pics of the same place and Qiananmen Station in Beijing. This video actually marks the beginning of the world adventures as this was the first day of a 5 month trip through 17 countries. It was really cold in Beijing. MM